Adaptation and Integration courses were implemented in 2021, yet many people still look shocked when I tell them about these nowadays. Find below the summary of this course, including who it concerns, and link to where to sign up for them.

What are the Adaption and Integration courses?
These are courses summarizing one's rights and obligations when living in the Czech Republic. Basic values of the country, cultural practises and conditions are explained. The aim of these courses is for people from all around the world to better adapt to the Czech culture. The courses are held in many languages - English, French, Mongolian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
Who is it for?
Non-EU foreigners who received the first long-term residence permit (Employee card, Blue card) after 1. 1. 2021 are obliged to complete an adaptation-integration course within 1 year from receiving the residence permit.
If you had long-term visa, applied for long-term residence permit and received such after 1. 1. 2021, you must also undergo these courses.
Who, on the other hand, do not need to undergo these courses?
This applies only for the first long-term residence permits. If you had one prior this date and then you extended it, you do not have to undergo these courses.
Foreigners who applied for their permits with the help of the governmental programs Key and Scientific Personnel and Highly Skilled Employee do not need to undergo these courses.
Holders of Long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies, protection, investment
Holders of Intra-corporate transferee card
Foreigners younger than 15 years old or older than 61 years of age
EU nationals and their family members do not have to undergo these courses.
Where do they take place?
These courses take place in Centres for Support of Integration of Foreign Nationals. There is 18 of these in the Czech Republic. The courses last 4 hours and there is no exam or test at the end.

Is there any fee?
Yes, you need to pay 1500 CZK for this course.
What are the penalties for not undergoing these?
Not following this obligation can lead to fins up to 10 000 CZK.
Where to register?
Register online at
Cover the course fee
Sign up for a specific date & time
Find more information here.