Christmas season is here! It's time to indulge ourselves with mulled wine at Christmas markets and enjoy some quality time with our friends or colleagues from work. Christmas markets can also be a place where to get small hand-made gifts, try some Czech food or do something good for your body by ice-skating. Christmas markets sometimes offer also some special program such as concerts or little workshops. Let's soak in the Christmas atmosphere and get in a mood for the jolly season!

In Prague, from early December you can spot the famous Christmas tram. You cannot miss it, as it is very bright (lit with many, many lights) and sometimes even Christmas carols are playing inside. There is also many Christmas markets, from smaller and more intimate ones, to the biggest one in Old-town square. The Christmas markets begin usually the first Sunday of Advent; or a few days before. All the Christmas markets offer various food and beverages, small gifts or crafts, but also Nativity scenes. In some, there are also live animals.
Old town square offers the biggest Christmas market in Prague. There's a stage where various performances and concerts take place and also a big Christmas tree decorated in Prague colours - red and gold.

Wenceslas square hosts another popular Christmas market, which is a bit smaller in size and usually not as crowded.
There's also Christmas markets at Náměstí Republiky, Náměstí Míru, Prague castle, Anděl, JZP or Tylovo náměstí.

Where to ice-skate?
Letna offers a big ice-rink where while skating you can look at the Prague castle. There is also an ice-rink under the Zizkov tower, in Cerny Most shopping mall, or in Wetsfied Chodov.

Brno is famous for its "Turbomost" - warm cider with various Christmas seasonings and apple brandy. In Náměstí svobody there is winter bar, Christmas tree and a chillout zone where you can watch out for the Christmas tram. Dominikanske square hosts a big Nativity scene and many concerts take place here. In the coutyard of the Old town hall, local design products are sold such as jewellery, Christmas cards or clothes. In Zelný trh there is also a lovely market.
The biggest markets in Ostrava are held on the Masaryk square. It hosts a lovely Ferris wheel, many stands offering various food and goods and also many cultural events. There is also smaller Christmas markets at the Dr. Beneš square, Jirasek square or Alšovo square. In front of the New Town Hall there is usually a huge art installation. This year it should be a gift with sledges on top.


The nicest Christmas markets in Olomouc are surely on the Horní and Dolní squares. The markets offer a lot of good food from cheese, sausages, to pancakes, and also a variety of drinks - mulled wine from different countries, or hot cocoa for little ones.

What to taste!

Beverages: No visit to a Christmas market is complete without the typical "Svařák" (Mulled Wine). Today, many types are offered, but the most typical is the one made from Red Wine. Grog is a rum with hot water. You can also get Čaj s rumem (Tea with rum). Turbomošt is cider with apple brandy, while Punch can be made in thousand different ways in both alcoholic and alcohol-free options. For those liking sweet beverages, you must go for Medovina (Mead).
Food: My most favourite Christmas market delicacy is surely Pečené Kaštany (roasted chestnuts). One can also purchase various types of Klobásy (Sausages), Soups, or Bramborák (potato pancake). Grilovaný oštěpek (grilled cheese), Trdelník, apple Strudel or Mandle (roasted almonds) are also often sold.

Which one is your favourite Christmas market? Let me know in the comment section!
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