When moving to the Czech Republic with children, you surely should do a research about the International schools in order to avoid any last-minute surprises. English schools are usually paid for, whilst Czech schools are for free, however only in Czech language, which your child may not fully appreciate. The tuition fees for international schools may be a bit high - find a basic overview below.

As mentioned above, education in the Czech Republic (at Czech schools) is free-of charge. The education is compulsory from ages 6 to 15.
The education is divided into four levels:
Preschools (kindergartens) - from 2/3 years of age until 5/6 years of age - lasts 3 years (1 year only is compulsory)
Primary school - lasts 9 years - from 6/7 - 15 years of age
Secondary/high school/grammar schools - lasts 3/4 years - from 15 - 18/19 years of age - there are various types; some end with School leaving exam, which is then required for universities. Some specialize in professions such as hairdresser, car mechanics and similar, which last only 3 years.
Universities - Bachelor's usually last 3 years, Master's 2 years
Schools start at the beginning of September and last until the end of June, after which the children get to enjoy full 2 months of holidays.
At schools, children get grades rating from 1 (the best) to 5 (the worst) and twice a year at the end of each term, they get a school reports, evaluating their work.

Address: Kamýk Campus, K Lesu 558/2, Prague 4
Vlastina 19, Prague 6
Brunelova 12, Prague 4
Language: English
Ages: 2-18
Yearly fees: 290 000 – 580 000 CZK
Address: Chittussiho 45/14, Prague 6
Roztocká 43/9, Prague 6
Milady Horákové 300/129, Prague 6
Milady Horákové 116/109, Prague 6
Languages: English
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 290 000 – 600 000 CZK
Address: Nebušická 700, Prague 6
Language: English
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 310 000 – 690 000 CZK
Address: Valdštejnská 151/6a, Prague 1
Norbertov 3, Prague 6
Nad Bertramkou 10, Prague 5
Language: English
Ages: 2-18
Yearly fees: 250 000 CZK – 570 000 CZK
Address: Hrudičkova 2107/16, Prague 4
Language: English
Ages: 2-12
Yearly fees: 250 000 – 350 000 CZK
Address: Drtinova 304/7, Prague 5
Language: French. Czech
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 168 000 – 250 000 CZK
Address: Schwarzenberská 700/1, Prague 5
Source: https://www.dsp-praha.org/ueber-uns/kontakt
Language: German
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 160 000 – 190 000 CZK
Address: Straková 522, Jesenice
Language: English, Czech
Ages: 2-18
Yearly fees: 200 000 – 212 000 CZK
Address: Na Cikorce 2166/2, Prague 4
Ages: 11/12 - 18/19
Yearly fees: 30 500 CZK
Address: Frydlantska1350/1, Prague 8
Language: English
Ages: 2- 18
Yearly fees: 120 000 - 400 000 CZK
Address: Gregorova 2582/3, Ostrava
Language: English
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 180 000 – 300 000 CZK
Language: English
Ages: 10-18
Yearly fees: 80 000 – 110 000 CZK
Address: Dominikánské námestí 656/2, Brno - stred
Language: English
Ages: 6-18
Yearly fees: 190 000 – 250 000 CZK
Address Cejkovická 10, Brno - Vinohrady
Language: English
Ages: 3-18
Yearly fees: 240 000 – 420 000 CZK
Note that the tuition fees are a subject of change. For the current fees always check the school's website.