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Verified copy & Verified signature

Writer's picture: Kristýna RichtrováKristýna Richtrová

Updated: Oct 6, 2022


Making a verified copy of a document means that you will duplicate the original. The duplicate is then a certified true copy and can be treated like the original.

Purpose of the verified copies:

Verified copies (also known as notary certified copies or simply verified duplicate) can be used instead of hard copy originals. By making a verified copy you assure you will get to keep your Original.

Where it may be needed? Making a verified copy is a standard practise with documents that are being submitted to the Ministry of Interior when submitting your visa application. If you give this authority an original of a document, it is lost for good. It is recommended that every document that can be re-used should be verified, i.e. translated marriage certificate or diploma, employment contract, lease agreement etc.

Is there a document that cannot be verified?

- Yes. It is any document that is not a hard copy original (i.e. printed copies)

- ID cards, passports, driver's licence

- documents containing changes (rewritten data)

- Only notary public can verify documents that are not in Czech/Slovak language

Where can I get a verified copy done?

- At any Czech post office offering Czech Point services (blue logo as shown below)

- At any Czech Public Notary

- At any Czech Embassy abroad, which is offering Czech Point services (blue logo as shown below)

How much it costs?

You pay 30 CZK for every verified page. Public notary will charge VAT on top. Post office may charge 3 CZK for making copies at their copy machine per every page copied.

How can I tell a document was verified?

A verified copy has a sticker at the end of the document, mentioning when, where and by whom the verification was done. It also mentions whether it is a full verification of full document, or partial one (only certain pages from a full document).

What should I bring in order to have a document verified?

Only the original hard copy of the document you wish to be duplicated by verification and the fee.


Making a verified signature means that you sign a document in front of a clerk, who will then confirm your identity. Then a written confirmation is placed next to your signature, confirming it was really you who signed the document.

Purpose of the verified signature:

Some documents require verified signatures, so the clerk

who will be checking this document later can make sure that the right person signed it.

Where it may be needed? Verification of a signature may be needed:

- when giving someone a general power of attorney to act on your behalf with more than only one task

- on a Confirmation of Accommodation (verified signature of the owner of the apartment where you live must sign it)

Is there a document that cannot be signed with the verification?

- signature signed otherwise than in letters of the Roman alphabet

- signature on a document bearing no text

- signature on a document written in a language other than Czech or Slovak (this is possible only at a Czech Public notary)

Where can I get my signature verified?

- At any Czech post office offering Czech Point services (blue logo as shown below)

- At any Czech Public Notary

- At any Czech Embassy abroad, which is offering Czech Point services (blue logo as shown below)

How much it costs?

- You pay 30 CZK for every verified signature. Public notary will charge VAT on top.

How can I tell my signature was verified?

A verified signature has a sticker placed next to the signature, mentioning your personal details that the verification officer copied from your Identification card/passport.

What should I bring in order to have a document verified?

The document on which you wish your signature to be verified and the fee.

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